28 April 2010


gut ich habe ein pony pferd aufgezäumt
das am holzstand wie hiess der noch gleich
auf mich wartete habe es angefasst um völlig
sicherzugehen dass es war was es war und
ich habe das pferd zebra in einzelnen linien
vor mir gesehen es war ein gerastertes tier
und sein schweif war geknotet an den eines
anderen zebras esels der aus einem ohr
zu mir sprach und da wusste ich wie rum der
sattel gehörte und legte ihn neben ihn hin.

27 April 2010

(picture taken from picturesofwalls)

26 April 2010

post aus südost

Post aus Südost is an interesting new project: an online magazine for poetry from southeast europe both in its original language and in german. the first issue still reads like a student newspaper (see this simple, but touching poem), but who knows what might become of it later. plus, one can never have enough online poetry, right?

25 April 2010


remember the novella i was editing last summer? well, after sixteen edits altogether, it's finally finished [UPDATE: and available here].

it's in german and prose-y, and it's called Andosina.

with forty-eight norm pages, however, the manuscript's length (or brevity, rather) just won't make it an ordinary novel...

so my question is: does anyone know anyone who could be interested in publishing the story in spite of its unusual format? i'd be super grateful for ideas (!) and would love to send out excerpts...

anyone? please?

24 April 2010

short notice: lauter niemand magazine launch tonight

this evening, lauter niemand hosts a launch party for the edition i'm featured in (#10). there will be readings and drinks. more info here or on facebook. come by if you can.

8 pm, fehrbelliner str. 6, berlin - prenzlauer berg, 5 €

22 April 2010

'i want to change my novel to present tense. is there some microsoft word thing to do that?' (tao lin)

DIE ZEIT has a very interesting article on literature and the internet called Hyperlinks sind out.

21 April 2010

wo die zeit hingeht

in deine arme. in die kraft die
unsre haare zieht und unsre
köpfe in der amazonaswelt
fest über wasser hält. ins freisein.
nimmt uns an die hand. wir sind
das weite unentdeckte land. das
haus am uferrand in das das
leben jedes jahr im sommer flieht.
sie geht ins gleichgewichtsgefühl
des schmetterlings der vor dem
fenster achterrunden zieht.
vergeht ins bleiben. alles ist ein
teil von allen teilen. zeit wird du
und ich im urwald hängend eines
abends zwischen nassen blättern
schwingend an den seilen.

19 April 2010

(picture taken from picturesofwalls.)

18 April 2010

15 April 2010

'a drifting cloud is just a drifting cloud'

in front of an audience of about forty people, catherine hales launched her poetry collection 'hazard or fall' at cosy café hilde yesterday night [see this post], and i thought her reading was very satisfactory: not too long, not too short, neither boring nor incomprehensible (although reading somewhat slower would have helped). i like catherine's rather prosaic style, it just makes enjoying her poems so much easier - especially when they were put into context through little personal anecdotes: knowing, for example, that as a kid catherine wanted to become an archaeologist, sheds a whole new light on her work, too.

'it's when you part your lips that the problems begin'
'our lives crossed like the shadow of a bird in flight' 
'why have a thousand gods when one is one too many?'
'the creatures crawl into their caves, expire'

13 April 2010

"singularität ist [...] auch ein irrtum"

ron winkler answered a couple of questions about his new poetry collection Frenetische Stille at fixpoetry.com.

12 April 2010

two top literary events in berlin this wednesday

this event !!! HAS BEEN POSTPONED !!! is particularly interesting, as it addresses an important topic: how much religion is good for our kids? helge nyncke, the illustrator of "Wo bitte geht's zu Gott?", will be reading from the book that the German Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women & Youth tried to index because of its critical engagement with religion (but didn't succeed! check this brief spiegel article), and also from „Susi Neunmalklug erklärt die Evolution“. 
instead there will be some discussion about the future of the catholic church. no reading now!!!
14 april 2010, 6.30 pm, club der volkssolidarität, torstr. 203 -205, 10115 berlin - prenzlauer berg

WORTHY ALTERNATIVE --> catherine hales will be launching her new poetry collection 'hazard or fall' at café hilde. i got a little sneak peak of her work the other day and can assure you that, if you like english poetry, you will enjoy this event. try gistsandpiths for some samples of her work. plus, from what i can tell, two thirds of the berlin poetry scene will assemble there.
wed, 14 april 2010, 7.30 pm, café hilde, metzer str. 22, 10405 berlin - prenzlauer berg

10 April 2010


i was meaning to attend the danaghie & co poetry reading last night so that i could write about it here, but the restaurant took forever to prepare our food (just around the corner! we sat down at 8 pm!) and when we got to the location at 9.30 pm it was packed and there was no way to get in without interrupting. [phew, that was a long sentence!] so i just waved hi to kim through the window and buggered off... what a shame, sorry joseph!

short notice: event in berlin tonight

the lettrétage hosts swiss poet pietro montorfani tonight. an actor will be reading from his work. 5€ cover charge, start 7.30 pm. more info here.

08 April 2010

(picture taken from postsecret.)

06 April 2010

three literary events in berlin this week

wed, 07 april 2010, 8.30 pm, st. george's bookshop, woerther str. 27, 10405 berlin - prenzlauer berg, free!
great idea: monthly read-around! more info here.

thu, 08 april 2010, 8 pm, literaturwerkstatt, knaackstr. 97, 10435 berlin - prenzlauer berg, 5€
john mateer and jan wagner. poetry reading in english and german. more info here

fri, 09 april 2010, 9 pm, cafe 'alice gryphius', gryphiusstr. 10, 10245 berlin - friedrichshain, free!
gunter scholtz, gerhard schneibel & joseph danaghie. poetry reading in english and german.

02 April 2010

happy easter, everyone!

(picture taken in peru by ariane, who is sailing the world on suleika.)

01 April 2010

twitter preview on WOAW

as you might have already noticed, i've added a twitter widget to the blog's sidebar. if WOAW loads a little slower on your browser now, that's the reason. the idea was to keep you up to date with thoughts and news that never become blog posts even if you aren't on twitter yourselves. if you are on twitter already, but too lazy to check back on my page every day, this feature might be of use to you, too. i also plan to update the sidebar altogether some time later this year, sort through the link list, add blogs like ron winkler's, that kind of stuff. don't worry if WOAW looks a little different from time to time, i'll be sure to let you know when i'm done...