day 59 - yesterday night's kantinenlesen
[before going into this, i would like to point out that my post of day 58 is illogical and badly worded. i'm not even sure whether a plural of the word offspring actually exists. i herewith apologize in due form for all mistakes ever made and would like to invite you to disabuse me.]
last night, jan and i went to an event called kantinenlesen, moderated by dan richter. to my delight, special guest marco tschirpke was invited, whom jan and i had already seen at the scheinbar slam on monday (see post below). i hadn't listed marco then as i had somehow missed his name - in return, i would like to recommend to you his appearance at zebrano theater in berlin on june 22. also partaking were robert naumann, anselm neft and sarah schmidt.
while i've never thought of myself as a feminist, the general absence of women reading their work to the audience is striking. especially, since - as far as i know - many more women write than men do. i'm guessing the problem is the humorous cabaret character of many literary events. whereas i appreciate the absence of whiny texts that wallow in self-pity, i would like to encourage more writing females to make their voices heard. there MUST be more smart and sound (and funny, for all i care) observations out there.
in fact, i'm thinking about making a point by slamming in heels from now on.[as there's still some space here, i would like to give you notice of a couple of changes i will make in the link lists to the right.
furthermore, i would like to advert the lauter niemand literary lab taking place at fehre6 tonight. i'll be there, too.]
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