23 April 2007

day 33

after marvelling at rayl's turntabels and the beats they produced to poetry records last night, i just couldn't help but write another slam text. that's why, again, the novel's word count hasn't gone up one single word today. i've given the poetry slam lyrics i am working on at the moment the title Stimmt nicht, oder nur in Teilen, which means Not True, or Only in Parts. i've written two pages already and think i'll pause here for now. after all, i still have to post today's podcast and translation. this time it's a paul boldt poem called In der Welt or In the World. i'm sorry i can't provide you guys with a portrait of mr. boldt (1885 - 1921), but i'm afraid even his german fan-site doesn't have one. the site DOES feature an english version of the page, though. it's a shame the site hasn't been updated since august 2006, really. anyways. ladies and gentleman, annina luzie schmid featuring mr. paul boldt:

In The World

I drop my face on stars
That uncurl as if hit.
The woods move moonward like black seafish drift
Into the bluish ocean, my glances wave from it.

My I is gone. It makes a stellar journey.
From where the fabrics shine, it is not I.
The days, white doters, die.
I-less nerves are tremulous and cry.

In der Welt

Ich lasse mein Gesicht auf Sterne fallen,
Die wie getroffen auseinander hinken.
Die Wälder wandern mondwärts, schwarze Quallen,
Ins Blaumeer, daraus meine Blicke winken.

Mein Ich ist fort. Es macht die Sternenreise.
Das ist nicht Ich, wovon die Kleider scheinen.
Die Tage sterben weg, die weißen Greise.
Ichlose Nerven sind voll Furcht und weinen.

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