30 April 2009

zurich, 15 may 2009

my favorite book shop in zurich, pile of books, hosts another poetry & songwriter night - this time featuring anne blonstein and bobby vacant. due to a limited number of seats, they will be playing two sets, the first one starting at 7:30 pm and the second at 9:00 pm. in any case, it is highly recommended to make reservations. admission is free, which is unusual for zurich, however, small donations would be very much appreciated.

27 April 2009

i wasn't gon' say nothin'

but i've changed my mind due to the good progress i made in the past week.

i am working on my first novella.

[pregnant pause.]

and i am halfway through my second edit.

it's rather short overall, which is why i wouldn't want to call it a novel. after all, it's really only an attempt. but as this started off as a blog about my being a writer, i'd like to let you know how i proceed.

so far, i've managed to develop a story idea that has been around for a while - about a year or so - into a prose script i still enjoy working on. this is a good sign as it shows that the subject is deep enough to immerse myself in. it's a first person-narrative and there's still plenty of research to do, though, reading up on some history, looking at pictures and stuff. not necessarily because i want to incorporate everything in it, but to get in the mood for padding the draft somewhat later on. i do have a title in mind as well, which crossed my mind roughly a week ago and, in a way, drove the whole project home for me. even if it will eventually turn out to have been just a working title, having one at this point helps me focus on the essence of the text.

i am very excited about this. and happy, too, that i am finally, finally scripting. what is more, it feels good to tell you about this and to bring this blog back to its roots as a work log. having said this - i'll keep you posted.

26 April 2009

(taken from postsecret.)
((if you're into that kind of thing, try this.))

25 April 2009

publishing on demand

the UK invented books to go.

24 April 2009

draft and rough translation

lese eure stimmen / stimmt
dass sie in stille verschwanden
die stille die immer ist / aussen an jedem gehirn
es sind nicht die stimmen / die stimmen
es sind eure pausen / die luftholgedanken
die hängen an zeilen wie jenen die
raus sind aus eurem gekopf / aufs papier.

read your voices / right
they are now silence
like silence that's / outside of every brain
they are not voices / right
they are your silence / the deep breaths
that stick to your lines like the ones
that are outside your brainness / on paper.

17 April 2009

DIE ZEIT has an article on johannes jansen, whom i read with at kaffee burger last december.

edition suhrkamp has published his new manifest, as they call it, this january: Im Durchgang.

there's more on johannes' work in general, adorned by one of ann cotten's drawings, over at in|ad|ae|qu|at.

16 April 2009

how to revise

harvard business publishing has suggestions on how to revise an email.

should you be more interested in learning how to revise prose, you should have a look at richard lanham's works: either the longman guide to revising prose (2006) or just revising prose (2000).

14 April 2009

nora bossong reading in berlin

nora bossong is going to read from her second novel 'webers protokoll' on 17 april 2009 at STUDIO der schaubühne, Ku'damm 135, from 22:30 on. i haven't read that book, nor have i read 'gegend', her debut, but i do like her poetry, and am thinking that her readings might be worth a visit. as the attentive among you might know, i have been trying to translate her poem 'leichtes gefieder' before, but unfortunately to no avail (yet). cover charge for the LESbar reading is 5,- € and you can make reservations here.

13 April 2009

07 April 2009

oh well

so i didn't make it into the final 7 of the mdr literary prize. they said they received 1.890 short stories, many of which of "extraordinary quality". they will compile a book of some of those, but i certainly won't get my hopes up for being featured. it will be interesting to see who'll be going to win this prize, though. watch the readings and the award ceremony live on 4 may 2009 from 19.30 on MDR.

06 April 2009

no news yet

from the mdr literary prize team. i'm thinking that that's a bad sign, as they said they would get back in touch by the 15th of april - finalistis, it seems, should be informed in advance, since they need to make travel arrangements and stuff. well, i haven't heard anything yet, so go figure.

another thing i have been contemplating is writing a fresh piece for this year's open mike competition. it's just that i can barely write at this point. no ideas, no patience, no words. that's the worst. no words.

05 April 2009

bluetenleser has reactivated their newsletter to inform the german-speaking world about tv and radio programmes dealing with all things literary. the following documentary sounded interesting:

9. April 2009, 23:40 Uhr, arte
Dokumentation, Deutschland 2008, SWR. Erstausstrahlung
Der Erfolg eines Buches wird meist in Verkaufszahlen gemessen. Wie viel Marketing steckt hinter einem Bestseller und was haben Qualität und Erfolg miteinander zu tun? Thomas Palzer beleuchtet den deutschen und französischen Literaturbetrieb zwischen Anspruch und Big Business.

03 April 2009


hans unstern (oder hier auf myspace) gibt am 25. april 2009 ein konzert im schokoladen im prenzlauer berg. was das kostet ist nicht so ganz klar, aber vielleicht sogar nichts. ansonsten wäre natürlich zahlen zu empfehlen. ich freu mich schon.