30 September 2009
29 September 2009
my debut on www.lyrikkritik.de
i wrote a little mood piece called Politikpoeten on the evening over at SO36 (event invite see below) and hendrik jackson was kind enough to put it up amongst his Laufbotschaften.
Posted by Annina at 18:35 0 comments
Labels: commentaries
28 September 2009
you've always wanted to become an open mike jury member?
here's your chance! apply until 30 october 2009.
Posted by Annina at 17:04 0 comments
Labels: spaces between
20 September 2009
political poetry is hip
ann cotten, daniel falb, rené hamann, björn kuhligk, angela sanmann, tom schulz and florian voß will be reading their political poetry @ SO36, oranienstr. 190, 10999 berlin on thursday, 24 september 2009. cover charge: 3 €, 8 p.m. i'll probably go, this sounds interesting.
"Zornig und selbstbewusst meldet sich die politische Lyrik zurück.
Junge Autoren thematisieren die Probleme von heute: Migration, Klimakrise, Globalisierung, Massenarbeitslosigkeit und Abschaffung der sozialen Systeme. Aus Anlass der Buchpublikation »Alles außer Tiernahrung. Neue politische Gedichte« kommen acht Dichter auf die Bühne des SO36 und hauen Euch ihre Verse um die Ohren. Anschließend Party mit Politmucke von Brecht bis The Exploited! Stand up and dance - stand up and fight!"
Posted by Annina at 18:56 0 comments
Labels: events
17 September 2009
DIE ZEIT über Lyrik im Netz.
...and, quite possibly, the even more informative link: matthias kehles lyrik-blog.
Posted by Annina at 22:23 0 comments
Labels: along general lines
06 September 2009
ich habe dich über den sommer verloren
die wespen geschlagen die wespen im
süßesten wasser ersäuft dich darüber verloren
und wenn ich erinnere habe ich jahre
vergessen und angehäuft. angehäuft mehr.
und wespen im sommer wie zuckerrand
an meinem essen und fühler. dich angefühlt
über den tellern den wahrsagern blöd in den
mund gestiert. nachgefühlt dann jenem summenden
klang eines namens die uhr viel zu weit um
das handgelenk wedelt die lästigen, lästigen
wespen zurück. das jahr war kaum heiß und
ansonsten schon alles vergestern. die ewigen witze
die wespen das gelb in den boden getreten verklebt
und sie fliegen zu zehnt aus den nestern.
ich habe dich wieder im nettesten menschen des tages.
gestreift und verwickelt in rede und schal du
die wespen gekrümmt zu vertrocknen.
[rough tranlsation:]
i've lost you over the summer
the wasps hit the wasps drowned them in
sweetest waters and lost you therefore
and when i remember well i have forgotten
years and accrued them. accrued them more so.
and wasps during summer like sugar rims
round my dinners and feelers. i have felt you
over plates have stared into the mouth of fortune
tellers. empathized then with the humming
sound of a name and the watch way too lose
round my wrist waves the bothersome, bothersome
wasps away. the year was not hot and all else
has been lost in the past. deathless jokes and
the wasps and sticky yellow walked into the ground
and they usually fly from their nests in tens.
i have you back here with me in the day's nicest person.
striped and wrapped up in speech you
the wasps bent to shrivel.
Posted by Annina at 10:43 1 comments
as my internet went on holidays with my neighbours, i am not posting much these days. even though i would have really liked to tell you all about nadine gordimer's reading at pariser platz last tuesday and how she made barbara wahlster of deutschlandradio kultur look like a total idiot (she deserved it for asking those dumb-ass questions!). so yeah, i haven't been writing much lately, a poem or two perhaps, i might post one here later.
Posted by Annina at 10:36 0 comments
Labels: spaces between