28 August 2010

MISS READ: september 3 to 5, 2010

"For the second time MISS READ has invited international publishers and artists to show their artist books at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. As a genre of its own, the artist book reflects contemporary ways of artistic production and publishing to a great extent and also addresses issues of presentation and circulation as well as new strategies of distribution. Presenting a selection of more than 40 of the most active contributors in this field, the festival provides the rare opportunity to encounter and explore the contemporary scene of independent publishing."

more info & program me over at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art.

27 August 2010

headline poetry

headline poetry displays poems sampled from headlines of german newspaper sueddeutsche zeitung. via lyrikmail.

21 August 2010

almost missed the bad poetry day

adolescent poetry at its worst best at the frisky, a women's magazine i would probably ban in my kingdom.

12 August 2010

07 August 2010

poem for a dead person

the years of billions before you have
unended where your hand let go
the linen white i think like everyone's -
you were the deadest glazed and air
at once you dandered out the door a smile
for billions of you before the years ahead
there's so much more to come (i'm thinking
endless silent laughter) than we had -

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[rough translation:

für eine tote person

die jahre milliarden vor dir entendeten
als deine hand das laken ließ
weiß glaub ich wie das von allen anderen -
du warst der toteste ganz glatt und luft
und plötzlich schlendertest du aus der tür
ein lächeln für die milliarden dus die jahre zukunft
möglich dass noch viel mehr kommt (ich denke
unendliches stilles lachen) als wir hatten ]

the most commonly misspelt word in the english language

is 'seperate' 'separate', followed by 'definitely'. the british telegraph has a complete list of the top 20.